Golfer Pacific New Zealand

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Rule changes for Golden OIdies tournament

If you are going to play golf at the Golden Oldies Sports Celebration in Christchurch next year you will never have to play a provisional shot if you consider the ball may be lost.
Instead you will place a replacement ball near the point where it was last seen or on the line of entry to where it was lost. Otherwise a drop zone can be located to not require the player to play over the hazard again.
That is one example of the change to the rules that New Zealand golf legend Bob Charles has implemented for the tournament to be held from April 8-14 at four different courses in Christchurch.
Other rule changes include:-
• Ball may be placed outside the bunker no nearer the hole for a penalty of one stroke.
• Ball may be putted with the flagstick unattended without penalty.
• Club may be grounded in a bunker or hazard without penalty provided the lie is not improved. Should the lie be improved a one stroke penalty will occur.
• All rule infringements carry a one stroke penalty.
• Within in one club length allowed on closely mown areas of hole in play.
• Ball should be placed within one club length of the point of relief from immovable objects.
Provisional Ball
• No longer required.